Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Mansion...

As I was lying with Logan on the couch this evening he nonchalantly says to me "Mom, I want to build a mansion." So I reply with "Well...what would you do with all of that space?" He then goes on to tell me about how he would take all of our stuff and put it into *his* mansion. He would make sure that he brings everyone. He would have all of the toys in the world there. All the kids in the world could come and play with his toys. He said that he would share *everything*.

My boy is so sweet. It's nights like this that cuddling on the couch and listening to him dream big dreams that I realize my life is so full of blessings and pure joy. His innocence and love for others is just amazing. I am thankful that there are times like this with each one of my children that I get to hear their stories and dreams. I want nothing more than to help my children accomplish each and every single thing they set out to do in life. I will always be their #1 fan, their shoulder to cry on, their encouragement when life is tough.

I am thankful that my parents have shown this same unconditional love and support for me through all the ups and downs of my life. They have been so supportive and helpful when I have needed it most. These past few months have been absolutely crazy...from Emily's seizures that hospitalized her for a week (then all of the testing that followed and the finding that she had a cyst on her brain), Hailey Grace having broken her ankle 4 times in less than a year, and then all of Logan's medical issues (muscle issues, 1 kidney, heart issues, adhd, developmental delays, etc). My parents have been there to watch kids, shuffle kids, pick up kids, etc. If my parents had not done the exceptional job they did to mold me into the person I am today...I am not sure I could have held my composure! I might have just fallen apart. I try to take all of this in stride and keep a positive outlook and a smile on my face.

Neil's mom, my mother-in-law, has also been a HUGE blessing. She also watches the kiddos, fills in Neil's spot at appointments when he cannot go, and helps pick up/bring things when needed. She always reminds me that God has a plan...I just love her!

 I guess tonight I am reflecting on all of the blessings that God has poured over our family...some people might think that every thing that has happened doesn't seem like a blessing at all, but there is a reason; a plan, for everything that happens. God has placed these little people and big people in our lives and each and every one of them have a purpose greater than we know!

Pretty soon we will be headed down to Riley to meet with Dr. W (on Halloween) to see what our next steps with Logan will be. I am a little scared. I just want to find what is causing his muscles to lose their tone and coordination. Then in November we are meeting with the urologists and cardiologists down at St. Vincent's. I pray for an answer - peace of mind - a plan.

I am pretty sure that my life is like a mansion. It's big, it's complicated, and it's full of the things I love the most! Thanks for taking the time to read our blog! :)

Much Love,

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