Happy Mother's Day! I am celebrating the amazing gifts God has blessed me with; My sweet girl Emily, my outgoing Hailey Grace, and my love-bug Logan! Each with their own personalities, interests, and passions. If I had been able to pick the perfect child - before I had children - I don't know what qualities I would have chosen. However, I am sure that God gave me just what I needed! They are all three so different, yet so amazing! I don't know that I deserve a day just for me - yet a day to celebrate the joys these sweet children have given me. I am lucky, undeserving, and so, so, so thankful these sweethearts call me "Mommy!"

I am also thankful for my own mom and mother-in-law! I have been blessed with two amazing, beautiful, supportive, encouraging, and loving women! :)
Wishing all of my mommy followers and amazing day filled with LOTS of love, hugs, and happiness! Cherish the moments!
Love, Autumn!
Love, Autumn!
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