Tuesday mornings in our house are the busiest mornings of the week. Logan has to be at therapy by 8:15 and the girls have school at 8:30. Neil usually gets the girls taken care of and I get Logan and myself ready and out the door! However, yesterday was not our "normal" Tuesday by any means! Neil had picked up an extra shift, the girls had picture day, and Logan had therapy... As we were rushing around to get everyone ready Logan decided to give his big sister a hug... When he jump up to give her a bear hug they both fell over and Hailey landed on his neck. He was unable to move his head w/out screaming/crying. My husband (who is a paramedic) evaluated him a couple times and then felt it was necessary to call 911. Logan and I went by ambulance to the ER. He was a big boy! He had 8 x-rays done...thankfully, nothing is broken. His mucles and ligaments were strained/sprained by his spine. We are alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen (which is extremely difficult bc it is NOT corn-free...but the chewables have a lot less corn). He is doing quite a bit better today...still sore, but on the mend! :)

My sweet boy being held still by all of that velcro!
Logan with the collar and his crazy hair. So glad my handsome boy is okay!
Just scanning your site. Wow, I cannot imagine how scary that ER trip must have been. We have to get my son's medications compounded. And take it with us to the ER. I wonder if that's an option for Logan?